FMU 3rd year BDS Result

Searching your MBBS & BDS Professional examinations results of Faisalabad Medical University has been made easy by Inside FMU. Now you can search your result by Name or by Roll number by using our simple search tools.

FMU 3rd year BDS Results by NAME and by roll number are available on this page.

Search Result by Name:

You can search your BDS result by Name by typing the name in the following search bar. Writing the exact name is not necessary. Our tool matches the name up to three alphabets. All search results will be available as soon as you click on the search button after writing the student’s name.

Select the year according to the following table:

Batch Year
Batch 23 2022 (Not Available)
Batch 24 2023


Search Below:


All the data has been retrieved from Faisalabad Medical University’s official website. All Rights Reserved.

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Searching for MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) and BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) results by name is a common practice among students who have recently completed these exams. These exams are highly competitive and are considered to be some of the most important exams in the field of medicine and dentistry. Therefore, it is not surprising that students are eager to find out their results as soon as possible.

There are several ways in which students can search for MBBS and BDS results by name.

One of the most common methods is through online databases and websites. There are several websites for example Result Pedia, that are specifically designed to provide students with access to their exam results. These websites often allow students to enter their name, as well as other relevant information such as the year of the exam or the university they attended, in order to find their results. Some of these websites may also provide additional information, such as the overall ranking of the student, as well as the marks they received in individual subjects.

Another option for searching for MBBS and BDS results by name is to go directly to the website of the university or college that the student attended. Many universities and colleges will have a dedicated section on their website for posting exam results, and students can often find their results by searching for their name or student number. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide additional information such as the year of the exam or the degree program in order to find the results.

It is also possible to search for MBBS and BDS results by name by contacting the university or college directly. This may be necessary if the results are not available online or if the student is having difficulty finding their results using other methods. In this case, the student can contact the university or college’s admissions office or exam office and request a copy of their results.

In addition to these methods, there are also other ways in which students can search for MBBS and BDS results by name. For example, some universities and colleges may publish their exam results in local newspapers or on notice boards on campus. Students can also ask their friends or classmates if they have seen or heard any news about the exam results. Additionally, students may be able to find their results by contacting professional organizations or associations in their field, as these organizations may have access to exam results and other relevant information.

It is important to note that searching for MBBS and BDS results by name can be a time-consuming process, and it may take some time before the results are available. This is especially true if the exams are held on a large scale, as it may take longer to process and publish the results. However, most universities and colleges make an effort to publish the results as soon as possible in order to inform students about their performance and allow them to make any necessary arrangements for their future studies or career plans.

One of the main advantages of searching for MBBS and BDS results by name is that it allows students to access their results quickly and easily. This can be especially useful for students who are eager to find out how they performed in the exams and want to make any necessary plans or adjustments based on their results. In addition, searching for MBBS and BDS results by name can also be convenient for students who are unable to physically visit the university or college in person to collect their results.

Another advantage of searching for MBBS and BDS results by name is that it can help students to track their progress over time. By accessing their previous exam results, students can see how they have improved or declined in different subjects and areas, and they can use this information to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This can be particularly useful for students who are planning to take further exams or pursue higher education in the field of medicine or dentistry.